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What is VueJS

What is VueJS

What is VueJS. Overview.

VueJS is an advanced JavaScript framework with an open source code for the development of a user interface. It is one of the most popular frameworks for simplifying web development. VueJS works mostly with the presentation layer. It can easily be integrated into large projects for frontend development.

VueJS was created by a former employee of Google Evan You. The release of the first version took place in February 2014. The number of stars in its GitHub rating exceeded 65,000, which indicates the extraordinary popularity of VueJS.

Functions of VueJS

Virtual DOM

VueJS uses Virtual DOM alongside with other well-known frameworks like React, Ember, etc. Any of the modifications you need to introduce are not made directly in the DOM. A copy of the DOM, made as a JavaScript data structure, is created. If it is necessary to make changes, they are introduced into JavaScript of the data structure and then compared with the initial data structure, after what final modifications are introduced into the real DOM, where a user can see them. This approach is convenient from the point of view of optimization, since it does not require any important resources and all the necessary changes are made and introduced way faster.

Data Binding

The data binding function helps you to manage values or to assign them to HTML attributes, to change styles and to assign classes using the VueJS v-bind binding directive.

VueJS Components

VueJS components are a very important function that helps to create user elements that can be reused in HTML.

Listing of Events

v-on is an attribute added to DOM elements to monitor events in VueJS by listening to them.

Animation / Transitions

VueJS provides many ways to apply transitions to HTML elements when they are added / updated or removed from the DOM. VueJS has a built-in transition component that you need to wrap around the element to create a transition effect. You can also easily add third-party animation libraries.

Computed Properties

This is the next important function of VueJS. It helps to track the changes introduced into UI elements by means of listening and performs all the necessary calculations. To do it there is no need to write an additional code.

Template Syntax

VueJS works with HTML-based templates associating a DOM with the data of a Vue sample. Vue compiles templates into the Render functions of the virtual DOM. You can use a Render function template. To do it you need to replace the template with a render-function.


VueJS contains such built-in directives as v-if, v-else, v-show, v-on, v-bind and v-model, used to perform various actions in the front-end.


Watchers are applied to mutable data. For example, for input elements. In this case, we do not need to add additional events. The watcher monitors the data changes, making thus the code simpler and faster.


Navigation between pages is performed using the vue-router.


VueJS script is very compact, owing to what it ensures high performance.


VueJS can be installed from the command line using the vue-cli command-line interface. It ensures a quick creation and compilation of a project with the help of the vue-cli.